Our most budget friendly option, providing you with full access to all of our AOBFP questions to get you ready for your exam.
Over 150 case histories and 450+ questions specifically designed to master your knowledge of nearly every Osteopathic topic needed for the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians’ written exam. This also includes access to our OMT/OPP question bank for review of the basics to provide you with the most comprehensive review of Osteopathic medicine at the Family Physician level. Create custom exams that cover all of the major Osteopathic concepts and treatment modalities that you’re most likely to see on your certification exam. Including questions on diagnosis, treatment, and management, our question bank has been curated and maintained by physicians…
Our most budget friendly option, providing you with full access to all of our AOBFP questions to get you ready for your exam.